“I am Lee Kinyanjui, an alumnus of Embu College. In 2012, I began my academic journey here, pursuing Certified Public Accountancy (CPA) and a Bachelor of Commerce. Today, I am a Corporate Banker and Branch Manager at UNAITAS Sacco, Gikomba, Nairobi.
Education isn’t just a personal success story but a catalyst for societal progress. The competencies acquired in our academic pursuits shape destinies and communities alike. Reflecting on my journey post-graduation, the challenges, triumphs, and unwavering support defined my path.
The knowledge I gained in 2012 provided a foundation, navigating the complexities of the professional world. I’ve come to appreciate the significance of education in my career. In the dynamic field of finance, where adaptability and continuous improvement are paramount, the competence honed at Embu College has been invaluable.
As you study, consider education not as a destination but a continuous journey. The competence honed at Embu College is a tool for positive change, contributing significantly to societal development.
Networking, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous improvement are key. Embrace these principles as you navigate your careers, remembering the importance of community engagement and social responsibility. Your skills are not just for personal success but for the betterment of the world.
The foundation received at Embu College not only readies you for professional success but also for becoming agents of positive change. As you step into the world beyond these walls, carry with you the spirit of competence, the passion for learning, and the commitment to social and economic development. Thank you for allowing me to share in this moment, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors” – Lee Kinyanjui : Corporate Banker and Branch Manager at UNAITAS Sacco, Gikomba, Nairobi.
Unaitas is a deposit-taking Sacco licensed by SASRA. It was registered in 1993 as a co-operative society under the Cooperatives Act. Through visionary leadership in the course of its rich history, Unaitas has prospered in leaps and bounds and grown to be the largest SACCO in Africa in membership. Unaitas is a pacesetter in the SACCO industry having been the first SACCO to automate its operations, open its common bond and adopt a bold brand in line with its growth and expansion strategy. Today, Unaitas through its trans-formative agenda, has impacted millions of lives and continues to audaciously actualize the dreams & aspirations of its members.