College Sports


Netball is a very interesting and fun game to play. The players are always passionate in their practice every evening from 5.00pm.  our field just opposite the volley ball field at Embu College Grounds. We thank our Coach Madam Harriet for her tiresome efforts to make sure we have new skills and training. Last semester we represented the college at Regional ball games at Meru Teachers College though we never made to proceed for national. Keep Watch We Are Coming!!!

Coach- Madam Harriet


We as the Handball team believe in team work, determination and hard work. Our team has in the past participated in several regional and national ball games competitions including the annual Kenyatta University tournament. Training is at St. Michael primary school daily from 5pm. We are optimistic that our handball team will continue to shine and emerge victorious in future tournaments.

Coach – Francis Mbogo


Karate is a Japanese martial art. It is a great way to build your character, keep fit, and improve your

flexibility. Classes are for complete beginners through to advanced. We especially encourage the ladies of Embu College to take Karate up as a form of self defence and for the gents it’s a way to acquire discipline and build your body. 

If you are interested in finding out more about our club, please contact our Chairman or patron for more information.  All are Welcome.

Patron Mr.Kiragu


Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using a small bat. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. The game is either played as singles or doubles. Embu College has an active table tennis team which comprises of both single and doubles players. In the past, the team has participated at the Kenyatta University tournament where our players proceeded to the finals in the singles’ category, our team has embarked on daily practice held at the college Cafeteria every day from 5pm.

Join the Embu College Ping-Pong team today.


Embu College Rugby team was established in 2014. The team is also known as the “Embu College Lions”. The team is in the third division league and has participated in several regional and national events including the Jomo Kenyatta University ball games as well as the recently held Embu 7’s tournament whereby they emerged third overall. We urge our students to enroll into the Embu College Lions rugby club. We believe that we have what it takes to become champions.

Coach – Mr Joel Mendel


Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court under organized rules. Embu College has active volleyball teams; comprising of male and female students respectively. The two teams recently participated in regionals Ball games competitions held at the Meru teacher training college.  The men’s team emerged second runners-up in the event. Last semester the ladies’ team beat their competitors to emerge top of their table at the Embu open ball games competition held in Kangaru. Join the Embu College volleyball team for practice every day at 5pm at the volleyball pitch.

Coach – Yusuf & Judy Kariuki


Things really turned around last semester when we were eliminated at the regional level but that did not kill our hope for reaching our destinations. The ballers worked and practice every time and day from 5 pm with unity and one set goal. In the league we have recorded history having done all we could.

We have several trophies awarded last semester At the Nationals level competition held at Machakos. Thank coach for providing all necessary support and facilities for game, big up to all our players.

Coach – Oscar Macharia


Kenyans athletes are renowned world-wide especially in the long-distance races. Subsequently today, athletics is not only a leisure activity but also a career sport. This is why at Embu College we focus on athletics which in addition to long and short distance races; javelin,high jump, long jump, walk and pole vaults are in our athletics menu.

Coach – Harriet Kagendo & Kenneth Kiptoo

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