Clubs and

All students are encouraged to join and participate in club and society activities in addition to sports and academics. This helps identify and grow talent as well as enhance individual soft skills. In addition, it enables students utilise their leisure time constructively.

The clubs and societies include:


Conservation of flora and fauna takes cooperation by all stakeholders. The Embu College Wildlife Society has not been left behind. We participate in a number of conservation programs such as tree planting not to mention tree naming. In partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Embu College Wildlife Club has also embarked on several clean up exercises in the Mwea

National Reserve. Join us and be a part of these noble and interesting activities.


The language Club is a social club focused on supporting students to learn a new language and experience a new culture. We are currently focused on French and German.

If you are interested in sharing and exploring your passion for the French & German culture and language outside of the classroom we welcome you to join our language group in order to stay connected and updated on upcoming events. With the language Club, you have the opportunity to meet new people with similar passions as well as improve your French/German-speaking skills Our events include French/German conversation groups, Foreign movie nights, and a few dinners, and field trips whenever possible throughout each semester!



Embu College Chess Club (ECCC) was founded in 2014. Our aim is to promote chess in the college, and to play competitively in the local leagues as well as against other colleges and universities. Chess is a tactical game that strengthens ones mental prowess, making one into a tactician.

We host weekly club meet ups at College cafeteria and in respective classrooms to play chess and socialise. We welcome EVERYONE to come along to our events for free, but we ask you join as a member if you intend to come regularly.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) CLUB

Technology is our future and that’s why as the ICT club we haven’t been left behind.

Information Technology is application of computers to store, study, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data or information. Embu College offers Certificate and Diploma in IT having  a well-equipped laboratory we have embarked in various projects such as Arduino, motion detectors, Software development  among others . This comes at a time when technical, political and economic forces have aligned to trigger fundamental changes in academic. We believe that we are the future innovators and we will achieve a lot by working together. We welcome all like-minded students to come join us and lets discover the future innovation together.

Patron-Mr Joel M K


The department of guidance and counselling is very important in the institution ,It takes the tasks of guiding students academically and counselling them whenever social, emotional, psychological and personal problems arise. The department tries as much as possible to keep up with all the common problems faced by the students to solve them and give encouragement.

We have been able to organize  group counselling by either an invited guests speaker or a lecture. Some of the topic selected for this semester are nurturing success, self-image, positive thinking , time management, drug abuse, stress management, peer pressure among others .We also do motivational talks in and outside the college to high schools and even visit children’s homes.

Patron- Rev. Lilly Muchangi


Join the Scout Movement, an Association that aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development so that they may play constructive roles in society. Founded in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell, the movement has a strong focus on outdoors and survival skills. Enroll in the Embu College Scouts movement and learn practical outdoor and basic survival skills. Come and interact with other scouts locally, regionally and even globally by participating in scouting programs and activities organized periodically.


Enroll in the Embu College Red Cross movement and join thousands of Red Cross members from all over the world. Founded by Nobel laureate Henry Dunant in 1934, Red Cross is based on the principles namely; humanity, independence, impartiality, neutrality, universality, voluntary and unity. Connect with Red Cross and Red Crescent members from all corners of the world as they  work to alleviate other people’s suffering, enhancing their dignity, and protecting their lives in emergencies such as war, fires, terrorist attacks, collapsed buildings as well as in cases of natural disasters including epidemics, diseases, floods and earthquakes.



The Embu College Journalism Club was formed with the mission to encourage students to take an interest in and write about the activities around our school.  Our goal is to leave no activity uncovered! We’re a group of fledgling reporters and photographers working towards improving our journalism skills while updating the student body on the many amazing events, clubs and individuals throughout our school.  There are hundreds of stories walking around our school everyday, and it is our duty to share them.

Patron- Geroge Kwenja


Christian Union (CU)

Greeting in the  name of the our Lord Jesus Christ .My sincere  gratitude goes to the Almighty for it has taken his convictions to achieve our success .We register our appreciation to the college management the director ,the principal and the patron for piece of advice  and support zeroed to all students in therealization of peace and more revival.

As the Christian union we closely cooperate with the student’s body to ensure that we progress in unity and faith as a community. The Embu College Christian Union consists of two main ministries that have made more of the students to join us.

  1. Brothers ministry-known for giving advice on matters to do with healthy relationship and future couples.
  2. Sisters ministry –join together with their mentor to learn about how to relate well in relationships and nurturing sisterhood among themselves.
  3. Dorcas ministry-main in helping the needed students in the Christian union and the institution and large .even their visit children home to help the with food and clothing.
  4. Theater ministry-to minister at church fellowship and also give motivational talk to secondary schools.

May the prevailing soundness to life, harmony, peace  and passion for God blossom.

May Embu college live to receive her reward at the end of the time.

God bless you, God bless Embu College.

Patron-Boniface Mwangi

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