EC Rules &

This section enlightens and enforces rules and regulations governing students’ conduct and association. Ignorance would not be a defense in the event of an infringement. It is useful to add that no justification would be entertained even if the infringement has been occasioned by the use of alcohol or drugs for that matter.

Student Code of Conduct

Embu College is committed to the moral as well as the intellectual growth of its students and staff. Freedom and responsibility in such a community demands that its members embrace unambiguous principles of good conduct. Thus, the Embu College Code of conduct emphasizes personal integrity as its highest value, and members of the community are expected to be honest, trustworthy, responsible, and honourable.

Any breach of conduct will result in a formal disciplinary action, including but not limited to, expulsion, suspension or prosecution under the laws of Kenya.


Dishonesty (lying, cheating, defrauding, and or stealing) is especially destructive of the academic process. Integrity being necessary in research, discovery, and expression of ideas, Embu College has an honour Code to express its intolerance for academic dishonesty. The Honour Code requires faculty, staff, and students to be honest in their own work and their use of ideas, and to encourage others to do the same.


1.Conduct Affecting the Person, Property or Rights of Others

Embu College students shall not lie, cheat or steal. It is the responsibility of the students to respect the persons, property and rights of others. Therefore, students will not engage in any form of activity that results in or that might naturally result in any of the following:

  1. Injury to person
  2. Damage to property
  3. Interference with the normal activities of Embu College
  4. Interference with the rights of other members of the Embu College community
  5. Alcohol Policy

Possession or use of alcoholic beverages is governed by state law. In addition, on-campus conduct of students and their guests relating to the possession or use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on College grounds and hostels.

2.Drug Policy

Possession, use or distribution of narcotics, mind-altering or other illicit drugs, by students and their guests is prohibited and considered a criminal offence in the laws of Kenya.


3.Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

All members of the College fraternity have the right to work and study in an environment free from all forms of sexual discrimination. This includes any form of sexual harassment or misconduct.

4.Discrimination and Harassment

Embu College will not tolerate any conduct (verbal or physical) that constitutes harassment by any administrator, faculty member, staff member, or student.

5.Civil Law

Students are expected to abide by civil law. Students or faculty members who break the law are liable to prosecution in a court of law.


Gambling on campus is not permitted. Additionally, students who are discovered to have gambled their tuition fee are liable to suspension or expulsion. 


Hazing is not permitted on or off campus. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created by any organization or persons that would produce or result in mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule.


The possession and/or use of firearms, weapons and other propelling devices as well as explosives, such as fireworks, ammunition or chemicals that are explosive in nature, are prohibited on campus. Unauthorized use, possession or storage of any weapon on campus constitutes a violation of the code and college policy. All weapons are strictly prohibited in students’ rooms and elsewhere on campus.A weapon is defined as any object or substance designed to cause reasonable apprehension of physical harm to any person, inflict a wound, cause injury, incapacitate or damage personal property.

Note: Embu College reserves the right to confiscate anything it deems hazardous or dangerous.

Additionally, any student who is found to be having knowledge of another student possessing a weapon and does not inform the college may be considered a knowing accomplice should any incident occur, that student is liable to suspension or expulsion.  

9.Commercial Solicitation

No soliciting, canvassing or peddling is permitted by anyone on campus without specific written permission from the dean of students or principal.

10.Responsibility to Campus Security Officers

Campus security officers protect the college and its occupants from vandalism, theft and other harmful conduct. They are to be treated with courtesy and respect by all members of the community. It is the responsibility of students and others to comply immediately with a request to show identification cards to any Campus security officer.

11.Online behavior- Social Media

Embu College provides free WiFi to it’s students,  we caution our students when online.

*Scams/frauds:We caution students against online transactions and recommend students to contact a member of family, staff or the dean of students if uncomfortable or uncertain regarding  engaging individuals online.

*Cyber-bullying: This is a broad range of behaviors or actions in which a person uses technology(e.g social media or texts) in a way that is perceived as harrassment, aggressive or threatening to another person. Students who are found having cyberbullied will face disciplinary action.  This includes any form of hate speech and incitefullanguange online.

M.Hate Speech

Embu College does not discriminate on age, gender, religion, race or tribe. Any student seen or recorded speaking hate speech online or offline will face a disciplinary and possible expulsion from the college.

12.Staff Student Relationships

The College’s policy regarding faculty/employee-student relationships defines the conflict of interest that arises when a faculty member/employee engages in a romantic or sexual relationship with a student and has the ability to influence the status or circumstances of the student through his or her professional responsibilities. When such a conflict of interest arises, the faculty member is required to disclose the relationship to his or her supervisor, so that a plan to resolve the potential for conflict can be developed. The policy strongly discourages such associations because they have the potential to pose risks to the employee, the student and third parties. It states the responsibility of all faculty/employees to avoid any apparent or actual conflict between their professional responsibilities and personal relationships with students. Embu College staff are NOT allowed to have any romantic/sexual relationships with any student unless such student was their spouse before admission to college. The policy is intended to protect the integrity of professional relationships between faculty members/employees and students.

13.College photography

The policy of the college is that the rights of staff, students and visitors to the  college, or individuals and groups who are visited by the  college’s representatives, should not be jeopardized by any  college activity. The  college further recognizes its responsibilities towards children and young people.

Images may be captured during events organised and hosted by the college using film photography, digital photography, video or other medium and may be used on the website, college prospectus or course brochures, other publicity material (such as internal and external newsletters), exhibition of student work or graduation ceremony brochure and may be provided to the media for publication in local or national newspapers or educational magazines and other resources. The college acknowledges its responsibilities in capturing images by photography or other means under applicable law, include:

The Human Rights Act 1998: The college recognizes an individual’s Rights to privacy as protected by this Act.

The Copyright Act, 2001: The college undertakes to inform all those whose images may be recorded (or their parents/guardians if subjects are under 18 years of age) of the purposes for which the images may be used by the college.

In this context the college informs all persons taking part in college activities that they may be photographed, filmed, videoed or otherwise captured in image form, and unless express objections are received, individuals attending an event are deemed to have given their consent by remaining at the event. Any queries or complaints should be raised with the event host in the first instance.

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