College Exams
And Payment

Eligibility to sit for internal CATs and Examinations:

  • Only candidates who have registered for the semester having fulfilled all the requirements will be eligible to sit for examinations
  • The candidate will only sit for examinations/cats for the course he/she is duly registered
  • The candidate must possess a valid college ID and exam card

Eligibility to register and sit for external KNEC, ABE, & KASNEB Exams:

  • The candidate must be registered with the college.
  • A candidate must be registered for the requisite number of semesters as determined by the course under study to be eligible for external examination.”(This is due to the fact that not all courses are modular).
  • The candidate must submit all the required documents within the stated date for registration upon clearing the respective examination registration fees.
  • The candidate must sign the KNEC nominal roll (or any other official document from the respective examination body) for confirmation of details.

Special Examination

  • A candidate who misses to sit for end term examination will be required to register for special examination with a penalty fee of 300/= per paper payable through the finance office.
  • Special exams will be administered during the third week of the next semester.
  • All examination fees are paid to the bank account provided by the finance office.

General Rules

  • The invigilator is in full control of the examination room allocated to him/her and the candidates shall abide by the invigilator’s instructions.
  • There must be order, and silence in the examination room.
  • Candidates will only carry with them acceptable items in the examination room with guidance from the invigilator (e.g pens, pencils, ruler, calculator etc.).
  • Bags and other personal belongings shall be placed in a designated area.
  • Mobile phones and other unauthorized technical equipment shall remain switched off during the examination and be stored in a designated place.
  • Candidate must be in the examination room at least 15 minutes to the start of the examination.
  • Candidates are not permitted to leave an examination room during the first 30 minutes or allowed to be admitted in the examination after the first 30 minutes.

Internal Exams

  • Every semester will consist of one compulsory assessment CAT, assignment and an end term examination.
  • Examination will be held in accordance with the published timetable which will be available on the students notice board at least one week before the commencement of the examination period and it will include the date, time and venue of each examination.
  • Misreading the examination timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence from an examination.

External Exams-KNEC

  • Any candidate who misses to sit for more than two subjects in one module will have to pay for full examination registration fees and register for the same module during the next series.
  • If a candidate fails more than two subjects in one module, they will be required to pay and register for that same module and sit for all the subjects inclusive of the ones he/she had passed.
  • If a candidate fails one or two subjects in one module will be required to register for only the subjects failed having paid the required amount for the failed subjects.
  • A candidate who misses to sit for one or two subjects in one module will be required to register for the subjects as stated in no.3.
  • KNEC does not refund any money once the candidate has been registered for the examination. 

Examination Malpractices

The following examination malpractice are considered serious and any student guilty of committing any of them shall be liable to suspension or expulsion from the college.

  • Copying or reading from another candidate’s script or from any other unauthorized source.
  • Bringing into the examination room any unauthorized materials to the examination e.g books, notes, papers, electronic devices with preset formulae, mobile phones, pre-written answers ‘mwakenya’ etc.
  • Abetting, aiding or covering up an examination malpractice.
  • Seeking or obtaining permission not to sit for examination on false pretense.
  • Plagiarism

Consequences and Penalties of Malpractices:

Among other recommendations expected as consequences of malpractices include:

  • Disqualification of the candidate from the examination
  • Expulsion of the candidate from the college
  • Suspension from the college for a specified period
  • Cancellation of all the candidate’s results.
  • Paying for the damages caused in case of disturbance.
  • Disciplinary Procedures

Any examination malpractice shall be immediately reported in writing, by the invigilators to the examinations officer.
On receiving the report of the examination malpractice, the examinations officer shall convene not later than one week after the end of the examination session, the college board of examiners.
The college board of examiners shall conduct its procedures, unless otherwise stated, in accordance with protocols stipulated by the board of examiners Act.
On handling the disciplinary case, the board of examiners shall always invite the head of department of the said student and one of the members of the college students’ disciplinary committee. The membership of the examination board shall always consist of the college Examination Officer and the Registrar among others.
The candidate shall be required to pay a non-refundable disciplinary fee of Ksh.2000 before appearing for the disciplinary sitting.

Exam Payment


Family Bank 


ACC No. 075000013771.

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